On 23 June, the West Midlands Health Technologies Cluster (WMHTC) was delighted to join with premier diagnostics business The Binding Site in welcoming to the Company’s HQ in central Birmingham twenty members of the West Midlands Diagnostics Innovation Community – #DIAGCOMM
These diagnostics business people were taken on a tour of The Binding Site’s modern laboratory facilities, took part in a Q&A session with the Company’s leaders and enjoyed a networking opportunity over refreshments.
Now, more than ever, the public are more aware of the need for specific, accurate diagnostic tests that are easy to use and low cost. The sector is at a tipping point and, boosted by the need for low carbon solutions, it is becoming more cost effective to manufacture in the UK rather than import. This presents an opportunity to bring supply chains closer to home, creating jobs, retaining talent and increasing resilience. To seize this opportunity requires a greater understanding of what is available regionally and nationally which is exactly what #DIAGCOMM provides.
Dr. Paddie Murphy, the Cluster’s Lead for #DIAGCOMM said “It always takes a little time for initiatives like #DIAGCOMM to get going but now it’s really starting to gain momentum. There’s real enthusiasm for a collaborative effort to put the West Midlands on the map as a centre of excellence in diagnostics innovation”.
#DIAGCOMM is a pilot programme funded by the West Midlands Combined Authority, supported by The Binding Site and Warwick Medical School and delivered by the Cluster.
The West Midlands Health Technologies Cluster (WMHTC) is a strong and dynamic alliance of regional health tech businesses. It helps bring a clearer identity to the #healthtech sector and advocates for the success of its members. Its mission is to grow the health tech sector in the #westmidlands in terms of the wealth it generates and the good quality jobs it can offer local people.
Contact Paddie Murphy : paddie@wmhtc.co.uk