We are living through extraordinary times but there is now light at the end of the tunnel. There are good reasons for believing that our region’s economy will “build back better” in 2022, boosted not least by the recovery from COVID-19 and the ongoing response to the pandemic – and this year’s Commonwealth Games.
The region’s health tech businesses are well placed to benefit and to grow and the West Midlands Health Technologies Cluster is absolutely up for the challenge of making sure that there is indeed inclusive growth in the sector during 2022.
We are here to support the health tech sector in our region and of course we are particularly attentive to the needs of those businesses who are members of the Cluster and strategic partners with the Cluster. Together with our members and our strategic partners, we will build on the work of our founding year, 2021, and work hard on our shared priorities. The first of our popular Topical Tuesdays for the New Year will be held on Tuesday 11th January at 16.15hrs and will help members get to grips with what sustainability and the move towards “Net Zero” will mean for their businesses. Click here to register.
We will continue to work for a stronger and more coherent support system for health tech businesses in our region. For me, this means working constructively with a range of organisations to make sure that business support is visible, consistent and positive. We will be advocating for our health tech sector and its growth – from incubation for start-ups and help with organic growth in existing companies to helping to win new inward investment. With state-of-the-art clinical facilities, a diverse population and pioneering partnerships between academics, clinicians and businesses, our region has strength across the four Ds of health technologies:
The Cluster is a strong and dynamic alliance of regional businesses. As well as businesses – micro, SME and large – producing health products and services, the Cluster has great buy-in also from professional services, Universities and the NHS, as members, strategic partners and sponsors. An early challenge for us all will be to maximise the benefits to our sector from the holding of the Commonwealth Games in our region this summer. I see the Games, and the Government’s “Levelling Up” agenda, as fuel for the expected growth in our sector in the near-term. My small but ultra-dedicated team will do all we can to make the most of these opportunities to benefit all our health tech businesses.

For further information CONTACT: David Kidney, Executive Chair
M: 07966 378844 E: david@wmhtc.co.uk