
On membership fees, most responders to our market research said that a fee structure should be simple and fair. Our view is that most members will be SMEs with employee numbers between 11 and 250. We propose that all SMEs should pay the same annual membership fee. We believe that it is right to charge less for very small businesses (micro businesses with fewer than 10 employees) because they have a more intense affordability challenge. We believe that it is right to charge more for large businesses (those employing more than 250 employees) because they are likely to be heavier users of the Cluster’s services.

Our charging structure for membership will be as follows:

Membership Benefits

  • Monthly Topical Tuesday debates
  • Monthly e-bulletin with regional news and posting of events & opportunities
  • Representation of views in policy development
  • Access to funding opportunities
  • Company listing on WMHTC websites
  • Regular Webinar masterclasses
  • Tailored support from strategic partners
  • Promotion through our social media channels of relevant member stories and publications

Application to be a member of WM Health Technologies Cluster

We will be a trusted partner for our members and for other organisations working towards similar outcomes in the West Midlands

Our strategic partnerships

We will work with strategic partners who will jointly front with us an area of work during the year and contribute cash and in-kind support.

We are open to discussion about a variety of areas of activity for such partnership working. Please contact us if you are interested in working with us.


We are open to discussion about undertaking specific projects with and for paying sponsors. Please contact us if you are interested in working with us.

Corporate patrons
Corporate sponsors
Gold sponsors
Sponsor Events / Opportunities
Apply to sponsor